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Just Pay For Hosting $37
It was only after hundreds of tests based off results from varying candidates and budgets, and having a success rate of more than 96% with the average return across the board being over 759% were we confident enough to go public with this.
That is why we are absolutely certain this will work for you too.
In fact, we’ve had students, who have zero previous experience, report that they were able to use Prosperity Prime and the Prosperity Prime Codex, were able within 24 hours and generate profits in some instances of up to 1000% overnight!
It doesn’t matter if you have no financial experience…
It doesn’t matter if you don’t have a lot of time…
It doesn’t matter how old or young you are…
It doesn’t matter if you don’t have a lot of money…
I’ve shown you already how you can literally click a few buttons and profit.
I proved this to you without a shadow of a doubt by literally showing you Prosperity Prime and how it works step by step.
And the best thing is, we have 50 free licenses to give away right now.
Now you might be wondering what the catch is?
Well put simply we can give you free access to the software, but I only ask that you chip in a small onetime fee for the server hosting and costs associated with hiring a developer to maintain the software.
Trust me, I’m personally spending thousands of dollars a month just paying for hosting for this software alone.
And I know that it’ll be unfair to make cost a limiting factor.
That’s why I wanted to give you completely FREE access, as long as you agree to chip a little and help me pay some of my costs associated with running and maintaining this program for your benefit.
The amount that I’m asking you to help chip is really not a lot and you can see the amount I’m asking for right now on this page.
After clicking on the button and proving that you’re an action taker and serious about making money, the you’ll get immediate access to Prosperity Prime and Prosperity Prime Codex.
Click on the button below and get unlimited lifetime risk free access to both of them for a one-time single payment to help me cover my costs.
Remember, you are absolutely risking nothing.
Because the amount you chip in is actually refundable and backed by a 100% 60-day money back satisfaction guarantee.
There are currently only 50 free unlimited lifetime licenses to Prosperity Prime, and once that amount is sold I cannot guarantee that I’ll only be asking for you to chip in with the costs of hosting and maintenance.
I’ve already been approached by top equity brokerage firms asking me to sell an exclusive license to them for 8 figures.
So take action today while you can still access this software for basically free.
Remember on top of receiving Prosperity Prime I’m also going to give you complete access to the Prosperity Prime Codex system.
And just because we truly want you to succeed, I want to guarantee that you actually take action and make money, so I’m also going to throw in these fast action bonuses:
Fast Action Bonus #1 – Secret Insiders Only Private Telegram Channel
Unlike most other stock trading software who just take your money and give you zero after sales support, we’re not like that.
If you give us a try today, you’ll be granted access to an exclusive “Secret Insiders Only†private Telegram Channel where we’ll give the latest and most up to date insider tips and information on hu