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1. Get rid of my arthritis
2. Get back in shape
3. Get off pharmaceutical medications
I realized, in short, the last thing I wanted was to spend my life dependent on medical health care
So, by understanding what I eat, my cholesterol reading today is back where it should be, I don't have pain in my back or knees, and I'm fully functional.
Simply because I changed my diet, I now feel like in my 20s and I wish everyone could feel this way.
I truly believe if we all moved to a correct diet, we would spend 80% less on our healthcare. What we eat is killing us.
This book is an all-in-one health resource with reliable scientifically-backed alternative remediesfor when help can't reach you.
This "Health Survival Encyclopedia" is 478 pages chock-full of over 100 scientifically researched natural home remedies that can keep you and your family healthy and safe, even when going outside might be the worst option.
Excerpts from The Doctor's Book of Survival Home Remedies can be read in the "DIY Remedies" section of this website or you can simply scroll down to discover bits from my book
It is the best alternative health insurance you could possibly have for when modern medicine goes out the window, and survival is on the line.
Simple, Smart & Easy
I wrote "Doctor's Book of Survival Home Remedies" as a smart, simple, and easy way for people to stay healthy and strong, and to understand all of their options, while granting access to hundreds of remedies for the majority of health problems we face.
This information can help anyone before, during and after SHTF.
It's also easy to read, to understand and to apply. For experts and novices alike.
Plus, it doesn't matter where someone lives.
Whether it's the city, suburbs or out in the sticks. And it doesn't matter how prepared or underprepared someone feels about their "survival" situation.
"The Doctor's Book of Survival Home Remedies" can be a powerful ally that keeps many of us healthy for as long as possible.
Bits from the book
These are some of the home remedies I use to stay healthy and strong when going outside is not an option.
The good, old peppermint
How to grow it: Peppermint is notoriously resilient and is even classified as an invasive weed in some parts of the world. It can also be grown in most climates and is particularly hardy in the northern United States.
Peppermint plants spread quickly via their roots. This makes them an ideal plant to grow in a container as a houseplant. Of course, this doesn't rule out the option of adding them to your garden too.
Berberine to increase beneficial bacteria in the gut
Contained in goldenseal, goldthread, philodendron, tree turmeric and European barberry, berberine can reduce blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes.
According to recent studies, berberine works to decrease sugar production in the liver, slow the rate at which the body breaks down carbohydrates and increase beneficial bacteria in the gut
It is also thought to help reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
Valerian's stress-busting action
A review of 18 different studies found that, overall, study participants felt valerian improved their insomnia symptoms, without any side effects.
Valerian has also been shown to reduce anxiety and depression. This is most likely due to its ability to increase GABA in your brain.
Valerian's stress-busting action is also associated with improving conditions like Insomnia, High Blood Pressure, Muscle Cramps and 20 others that you can discover inside the book.
Chamomile for Stress, Pressure and Anxiety
Chamomile has been called the brightest star of the Medicinal Flowers. This easy to grow flower is thought to support the treatment