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ClickBank Marketplace Information


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Active since: Tuesday, April 22, 2014
ClickBank Marketplace Title:
Build Your Own Shipping Container Home - Huge Conv.rate
ClickBank Marketplace Description:
New Product: Huge Conversion Rate + Perfect Product = Maximum Income... Great Match For Other Niches Like Solar, Home&garden, Energy, Green Products, Diy Etc.
Category name: Homebuying

Site META information

Website META Keywords:
Build Your Own Shipping Container Home - Huge Conv.rate
Website META Title:
Shipping Container Home
Website META Description:
shipping container home, tiny home, mobile home, cheap home, shipping container house, tiny house, mobile house, cheap house

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Popularity Rank: 1
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Gravity: 6.47861
EarnedPerSale: $30.06
PercentPerSale: 71
TotalEarningsPerSale: $30.06
TotalRebillAmt: $0.00
Referred: 72

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1100+ - 4,500+ - 8,700+ - You will Get 4Books -

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4Book #4 BUILD YOUR OWN SHIPPING CONTAINER HOME STEP BY STEP COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE In this book, you will find detailed information in more than 180 topics about container home building process, container home design, how to plan, design and build your own container home and everything and more you will need to know about container homes. It is a do it yourself and architectural design reference book for converting recycled cargo shipping containers into green homes and buildings. With our books in your possession, there’s virtually NO LIMIT to what you can build. You will find everything you need to know about building your own container home, with step by step and detailed explanations. You don't have to face the difficulties that we have faced when building our first container home years ago! You don't have to spend a lot of money buying the wrong materials, or ruining everything and have to start all over again. You don't have to re-discover the building process! We gathered everything you need to know and more in this book. This is a 215+ page book written in regular type size. Not a small e-book written in big and bold type size with enormously wide margins in order just to make it look like a thick book and increase the page number! This isn't a book written by an amateur guy, but it is written systematically by professional builders, including crucial information obtained with hard work and years of experience. This is a do not miss opportunity! "BUILD YOUR OWN SHIPPING CONTAINER HOME, STEP BY STEP COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE" contains everything you need to know and more, to start building your own container home or other projects - and with zero frustration or wasted money. When you start building your own container home, you will see that this book worths hundreds, even thousands of dollars. SUPERB CONTAINER HOME PLANS & PROJECTS This is a 550+ page full color digital book showcasing the most amazing 60 shipping container home plans and projects from all over the world, including the ones that have most influenced the container home market. All of these amazing container home projects are given with plans, either as floor plans, or as 3D Models; plus hundreds of full color exterior and interior photographs as well as construction shots for each home showing the layout of the containers. Before designing and making your own project, it is always good to check what other people did. Imagination and creativity works in mysterious ways. Other people might have come out with amazing ideas which may change your life completely. Contents: 60 amazing projects: ✔ 22 Different SHIPPING CONTAINER HOME FLOOR PLANS AND INTERIORS ✔ 38 Different SHIPPING CONTAINER HOME PROJECTS with plans (either as floor plans, or as 3D Models) with hundreds of photographs of interior and exterior views and construction shots. Total over 550 pages. SUPERB EXAMPLES OF CONTAINER ARCHITECTURE This is a 280+ page full color digital book showcasing total 60 shipping container homes from all over the world. You will find lots of inspiration from other peoples projects. You will have hundreds of full color detailed photographs of each home, including both exterior and interior views, which will help you design your new home (or start your own business) with lots of interesting ideas. MY FIRST CONTAINER HOME This is a 56 page book, consisting of a real life experince of a person who built a container house with her friends. You will find everything in detail, about her thoughts and theories to practice. It will be helpful for those who has never built a container house before, and who is planning to do one especially at minimum cost. You will find what difficulties she faced and how she solved the problems, with step by step explanations. With "BUILD YOUR OWN SHIPPING CONTAINER HOME, STEP BY STEP COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE" plus this "MY FIRST CONTAINER HOME" book in your possession, there is no limit for you. Don't postpone your dreams. You can start building you

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