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Vendor: 857392

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Active since: Tuesday, November 6, 2018
ClickBank Marketplace Title:
Rules Of The Alpha Male - Attract Women Naturally
ClickBank Marketplace Description:
Brand New Dating Offer For Men. A Unique Product With A Unique Way To Promote It! Up To 90% Commissions Available! Let's Make Some Money!
Category name: Survival

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Rules Of The Alpha Male - Attract Women Naturally
Website META Title:
Rules of the Alpha Male
Website META Description:
Brand New Dating Offer For Men. A Unique Product With A Unique Way To Promote It! Up To 90% Commissions Available! Let's Make Some Money!

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Here's the Story How: - A Desperate Virgin Destined To Stay Single Forever Turned His Life Around And Became A Badass With Women - $47 - TOTAL PRICE: $322.00 - PRICE TODAY: $47 -

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How Do You Acquire the Mindset That Turns You Into Someone Who Attracts Women? Well… You basically have two options: 1. You do what I did and spend years trying to figure this shit out. Hoping that somewhere along the line you either find the solution on your own or stumble onto something that will help you (that’s what happened to me). 2. You let someone help you. Now, if you decide in favor of the first option (or don’t decide at all), there’s really no point for you to continue reading this. In this case, I wish you all the best and hope that you don’t waste your time as I did. But you already know that this is not why you’re here! You’re here because you want things to change! You want to revolutionize your dating life! That’s why now is the perfect time for me to introduce to you a program called… “Wait! Hold on… an alpha male? Aren’t alphas supposed to be assholes?” No! Not at all! An alpha male isn’t some try-hard who’s a dick to people just because he can; or because he’s compensating for something. Neither is he someone who mistreats or abuses women! In fact, he treats women better than any other guy! Not because he fills their every wish, but because he gives them exactly what they secretly desire! Here’s the thing… an alpha male can be anyone! From a battle-hardened marine to a garbage man. What makes him stand out from everybody else is his mindset. A mindset that gives him the freedom to be whoever he wants to be and do whatever he wants to do! While he is never going to treat people badly just because he can’t cope with his own reality, he will also never let anybody tell him what he can or cannot do! And this is the basic premise my course is built on: To help you to adopt the mindset of a true alpha! Not some wannabe who acts tough only because he thinks he is better than everyone else. “But John, How Do You Know You Can Help Me?” I have to confess something: when describing my situation to you before, I left some things out! You see, not only did I suck with women, but I also had terrible social anxiety. It was so bad, that I struggled with talking to strangers and even the mere thought of being alone in a crowd of people scared the shit out of me. On top of that, I was plagued with irrational fears – fears so absurd and stupid, that I can’t even bring myself to write about them here. And of course, I was incredibly desperate and had no confidence to speak of! In short, I was a complete mess! But here’s the thing: I still managed to do it, to changed my life! So, if you think that you wouldn’t be able to do what I did, my answer to that would be: BULLSHIT! Because you know what? Even though I don’t know you personally, I know one thing about you: You’re an action taker! That’s why you’re here, reading this! You want to change and are here because you’re looking for a solution! You’re already miles ahead of the guy  I used to be! So if a mess like me could do it, so can you! Now, I won’t bore you with all the details about how I changed my life, but I want to tell you that I went from a guy with a defeatist attitude and a fucked-up mindset to someone who never quits. I toughened up and got my shit together! And as a result, my success with women skyrocketed! To date, my mindset (and life) has changed dramatically and I’ve achieved things I could only have dreamed about all these years ago:  I’ve dated and slept with countless beautiful, amazing women and had them chasing me (they still do). I went from a guy no girl wanted to someone who has to say “NO” to girls!  I’m at the point in my life where I can actually choose which woman I want to turn into a girlfriend. This is due to the fact that I know (not believe) that I can make any woman happy, not by doing things for her, but by being the kind of man she wants as a long-term partner.  I know that any woman who ends up in a relationship with me can consider herself lucky! But maybe my proudest achievement is

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