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Frequently Asked Questions
Q1: What happens if pcTattletale does not work for me?
If you are not happy with pcTattletale for any reason within 60 days will refund every penny of your purchase... even if it is on the last day.
Q2: Can I use pcTattletale with just their phone number?
No. You will still need to access their phone and be able to unlock it. pcTattletale installs like any other android app and takes approximately 5 minutes.
Q3: Will they know I am tracking them?
No. pcTattletale runs in the background and will not alert them that they are being tracked by you.
Q4: How many devices can I monitor at the same time?
With your initial purchase you can monitor up to devices 3 at the same time. You get to record both Android and Windows with your purchase. You can easily add more devices for a small fee.
Q5: How do I know if pcTattletale works on their phone or computer.?
pcTattletale for Android is compatible with all major phones such as Samsung, Google, Huawei, LG, Xiaomi, OnePlus and more. The app is compatible with Android updates 5.0 to 11. It is compatible with Windows XP, Vista, 8, 10, 11. Keep in mind pcTattletale does not record iPhone or MAC computers. But you can view their activity from any device. For example you can watch from your iPhone as they use their Android phone.
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