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ClickBank Marketplace Information


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Active since: Wednesday, August 30, 2006
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Developing Psychic Powers
ClickBank Marketplace Description:
A Proven And Acclaimed Series Of Books, As Witnessed By Numerous Testimonials, For Developing A Wide Range Of Psychic And Other Powers In The Minimum Possible Time. Now Available For A Short Time At A Massive Discount And 60% Commission To Affiliates.
Category name: Background Investigations

Site META information

Website META Keywords:
Developing Psychic Powers, Developing Psychic Ability, Psychic Medium, Live Psychic, Psychic ReadingClairvoyance, Clairvoyant, Telekinesis, Telepathy, Psychokinesis, Psychometry, Psychomancy, Astral Projection, Fortune Teller, Fortune Telling
Website META Title:
Developing Psychic Powers: How to develop psychic ability, live psychic ability, clairvoyant ability, telekinesis, psychokinesis and telepathy
Website META Description:
A Proven And Acclaimed Series Of Books, As Witnessed By Numerous Testimonials, For Developing A Wide Range Of Psychic And Other Powers In The Minimum Possible Time. Now Available For A Short Time At A Massive Discount And 60% Commission To Affiliates.

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Popularity Rank: 9
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Gravity: 1.01043
EarnedPerSale: $16.58
PercentPerSale: 50
TotalEarningsPerSale: $16.58
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Referred: 100

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How To Develop Your Very Own Natural Psychic Powers and Other Supernatural Abilities In The Shortest Possible Time With Proven Methods -

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Psychic Power Secrets Without doubt this is the most powerful book dedicated to learning the secrets of developing Psychic Powers ever written. Psychic Power Secrets will teach you everything you need to know to develop your own, real psychic powers to use at will including how to become a psychic medium. Never again will you have to pick up the telephone to dial telephone psychic hotlines in the vague hope of contacting a real psychic. This book will teach you all you need to know to obtain the answers for yourself. You will have the freedom to make use of your own natural psychic ability whenever you need to, without cost, and above all knowing you can totally rely on your psychic contacts. Everyone, without exception has latent psychic ability, including clairvoyant and psychic medium abilities that can be realised and utilised to great effect with the right training. Our remote ancestors, especially those living in places such as Egypt and other middle and far eastern cultures, and long lost civilisations used, and sometimes abused their own psychic powers. Hundreds of thousands of years ago ancient cave people used their psychic powers for survival. Their legacy remains in the form of cave paintings that depict inner experiences and even using their instinctive knowledge of their own inner powers to attract food and other necessities. Even today their are remote races, still relatively untouched by "civilisation" who know, understand and use psychic powers every day for numerous purposes in their daily lives. The good news is that these latent psychic powers have not been lost over the ages, they are simply lying dormant ready to be awakened and realised, by you. There are those who know the secrets and have developed their own psychic powers over the course of many years, with abilities that might seem like science fiction to most people. But yet there is nothing "special" about these people. It is a fact that some are born with "psychic gifts", but the truth is this: Again, absolutely anyone can develop psychic powers and latent psychic abilities with the right information, training and of course determination, dedication and commitment. To help you in realising your psychic potential we are absolutely delighted to bring to you these proven books that are absolutely guaranteed to change your life for the better forever. Once you have learned these psychic powers for yourself you will never again feel the need to useĀ  telephone live psychic hotlines. In fact you will see these for what they really are, and know, beyond any doubt, that even the powers they claim are nothing compared to what you can do for yourself. In fact, once you have developed your own genuine psychic abilities, you can even hold private sittings in the comfort of your own home and charge whatever you feel appropriate. Just to let you know what has happened since I purchased Developing Psychic Powers. I have learnt to quieten my mind and can do this now for up to 20 minutes, which is better than the 10 seconds when I commenced the course. And something I have noticed since performing the daily quiet time (giving myself 20 minutes of uninterrupted nothing) things are easier somehow. I am a sales rep and I have made budget every month since I started performing the quiet time. It is as if the sales are drawn to me, no longer a struggle. I have had close calls with th

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