CLICKBANK VENDOR: BYARDPHARM Backyard Healing Herbs - Reviews

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

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Active since: Thursday, May 31, 2018
ClickBank Marketplace Title:
Backyard Healing Herbs
ClickBank Marketplace Description:
Profit From The Newest Product In A Huge, Fast-growing Market The Same People Behind The Lost Ways, Book Of Remedies And Blackout Usa, 3 Of The Top 10 Offers In CB, Now Bring You Backyard Healing Herbs. Created Especially For CB Affiliates!
Category name: Mental Health

Site META information

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Backyard Healing Herbs
Website META Title:
Backyard Healing Herbs
Website META Description:
Profit From The Newest Product In A Huge, Fast-growing Market The Same People Behind The Lost Ways, Book Of Remedies And Blackout Usa, 3 Of The Top 10 Offers In CB, Now Bring You Backyard Healing Herbs. Created Especially For CB Affiliates!

Earnings and affiliate information

Popularity Rank: 49
Offers Recurring Products: false
Gravity: 1.1924
EarnedPerSale: $44.13
PercentPerSale: 88
TotalEarningsPerSale: $44.13
TotalRebillAmt: $0.00
Referred: 95


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250 Years of "Pharmacy Research" Mirrored inOne Pocket-Sized Garden -

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Manage Acid Indigestion... And more... The PMS-Busting Recipe That Helps Send "Aunt Flo" Packing When That Time Of The Month Comes Knocking! This "Grandma Mary" exclusive can be combined as a tincture... or as a tea infusion. Share this with anyone who struggles with Aunt Flo's monthly visit! "Backyard Healing Herbs" is the smart, simple, and easy way to pharmacy independence. This is hands down the simplest, easiest to use A to Z blueprint... that ANYONE can use to make their own healing remedies... From their very own Pocket Sized garden... ... no matter if someone has never gardened before, or have tried before and failed... ... no matter if someone has limited space or live in an extreme climate... ... no matter if someone is a "gardening expert"... Look - when Grandma Mary showed me this simple system... I knew I'd found my own little slice of the garden of Eden. People can now easily grow virtually everything needed to take care of a family's health... In a garden that requires not much more than a "postage stamp" sized area. And that requires a minimum of time. Just plant the herbs and plants using the "Ship Doctor's System" ... Harvest them... And follow Grandma Mary's clear and easy to follow instructions... Everything needed to keep s family healthy, strong, and protected from the side effects of traditional remedies. Here's our promise: if someone can read a table of contents... and follow simple directions... They'll have everything needed to make their very own "pocket sized Garden of Eden"... and have a "forever fruitful" source of healing herbs and remedies. If anyone wants to avoid spending hours and hours a week bending, weeding, watering and working... ... if anyone wants to be "pharmacy" independent... ... if anyone wants 100% natural and trustworthy ingredients... ... if anyone wants healthy, effective remedies at their fingertips ... and if anyone's ever wanted a simple, easy, and fun way to create an unlimited all-natural "medicine cabinet" ... Then those prayers have been answered. Backyard Healing Herbs is an heirloom quality book - worthy of passing down to the next generation... With detailed step by step instructions to plant, grow, and maintain... A "pocket sized garden" that produces the plants, herbs, and remedies every American family needs and deserves. It's a step by step, newbie-friendly system that puts God's honest herbs and remedies at your fingertips in a matter of days... not weeks, months, or years... So anyone can confidently address virtually any family's health needs... And slash monthly medication bills to near zero... All while saving your valuable time. Most of all... it will give you the peace of mind that comes from knowing that your family is getting the best nature has to offer. "Backyard Healing Herbs" is chock full of specialized knowledge handed down from generation to generation... Saving months of painful trial and error. It took Grandma Mary... and her forebears... more than 200 years to perfect the remedies and growing strategies... That now make it easy as pie to be super successful... right out of the gate. Grandma Mary's system... is about as "hands free" as it gets. Unlike "traditional gardens," there's zero wasted time with needless weeding, and the backbreaking up and down that's hard on a body. Now, one comment I've gotten is this: "Donna, this all sounds too good to be true. Will I be able to follow Grandma Mary's directions, even if I'm 75 and never had a garden and don't know if I have enough room?" First... don't forget... this is Grandma Mary's system... and she's 87! But the real answer is this: following the "Backyard Healing Herbs" system is simple, quick, and easy. Sure, there's some planting to do... if someone want a little help potting plants and lifting soil, that's totally ok. Once we were finished with our manuscript, I printed a copy and gave it to Veronica, my teenage neighbor... who had never planted a thing in her life... And I challenged her t