CLICKBANK VENDOR: ITMCLONGEV Huge! Longevity Blueprint - Diet, Disease, Complete Health Program! - Reviews

Saturday, December 28, 2024

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Active since: Monday, April 23, 2018
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Huge! Longevity Blueprint - Diet, Disease, Complete Health Program!
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Brand New! Doctor Approved Book. From The Team Behind "the Big Diabetes Lie" - Top Diabetes Product On Cb. Insane Conversions! Email Us For 90% Commission!
Category name: Home & Garden

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Huge! Longevity Blueprint - Diet, Disease, Complete Health Program!
Website META Title:
The Longevity Breakthrough Your Doctor Won't Tell You About
Website META Description:
Brand New! Doctor Approved Book. From The Team Behind "the Big Diabetes Lie" - Top Diabetes Product On Cb. Insane Conversions! Email Us For 90% Commission!

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Popularity Rank: 77
Offers Recurring Products: false
Gravity: 0.9216
EarnedPerSale: $29.90
PercentPerSale: 90
TotalEarningsPerSale: $29.90
TotalRebillAmt: $0.00
Referred: 100


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Page 17 - Discover over 100 dangerous food additives added to your everyday foods that create cancer, heart disease, diabetes and other disease. And the simple steps to avoiding them. Page 30 - This one additive added to most breads has been leads to fatigue, fibromyalgia, lupus, irritability, mental fatigue, nausea, digestive problems and other deadly health issues. One French scientists concluded that this ingredient contains something which stimulates the growth of cancerous tumors! Page 84 - Discover what one doctor did to get 70 percent of his patients opening of their clogged arteries and off of drugs or surgery, in mere weeks. Page 34 - How this ingredient is associated with scarring in the liver, or fibrosis, and the risk of chronic kidney disease increased by over 150 percent in those who consumed more than one drink with this substance. Page 89 - Learn about the delicious drink that raises metabolic rate, helps remove abdominal fat, boosts muscle growth, reduces resistance to insulin, strengthens the immune system and lowers food allergy reactions, has all 37 vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. Page 40 - Dr Cochrain revealed that just one teaspoon of sugar will lower your immune resistance by 50% for up to 24 hours. (Coke or any soda beverage has 8 tablespoons of sugar in one can). Learn the mechanism and how you can strengthen your immune system with a few simple foods. Page 55 - The optimal ration for omega 3 and 6 oils should be 1 to 3. Yet the standard American diet it is closer to 1 to 50. This leads to inflammation, degenerative diseases, and cell damage. Learn the most powerful oil which will balance your ratio within a week, and promote cell, nerve, organ, and brain health. Page 250 - Learn why counting calories is completely unnecessary, and how you can lose weight without worrying about counting anything! Page 311 - Knowing how keeping your body’s PH level normalized is your key to preventing most diseases (cardiovascular, diabetes, cancer, hormone imbalance, immune deficiency, kidney problems, headaches, etc.). Learn a simple method to test your body’s PH level and how you can easily keep it within safe levels. Page 51 - 75 percent of all adverse reactions from all food additives reported to the FDA are due to this one common food additive found in most pre-packaged foods. You are going to be shocked to know what it is. Page 327 - Find out what vitamins can replace a bad or improper diet and which vitamins are needed to stay healthy and rid your body of disease. You will learn why “dieting” is not the answer to your health or weight loss problems and may actually be doing you more harm! Page 61 - This beverage is allowed to contain a drop of white pus (dead blood cells) by the FDA, and has been linked to asthma, allergies, diabetes, heart disease, colitis, Crohns disease and other deadly diseases. Page 132 - This ancient food is creating miracles. Dr. Lars-Erik Essen, a dermatologist in Halsinborg, Sweden writes, "Through transcutaneous nutrition, bee pollen exerts a profound biological effect. It seems to prevent premature aging of the cells and stimulates growth of new skin tissue. It offers effective protection against dehydration and injects new life into dry cells. It smoothes away wrinkles and stimulates a life-giving blood supply to all skin cells. Page 68 - This so called "healthy food" contains phytoestrogens (isoflavones), genistein, and daidzein. These compounds mimic and sometimes block our natural hormone estrogen, and have been found to have serious adverse effects on various human tissue. Learn how to substitute it for a delicious alternative. Page 115 - These sprouts have been reported to contain 10 or more times as much sulforaphane, a cancer protective substance than broccoli. In a Swedish study, it was reported that eating 3 or more servings a week of these delicious foods significantly reduced the risk of stomach cancer, the fourth most frequent cancer in the wo

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