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Active since: Friday, October 7, 2011
ClickBank Marketplace Title:Train Mature Clients
ClickBank Marketplace Description:Unique, High-value Product Created By Well-known, Established Phd Experts And Award-winning Fitness Professionals To Help You Tap In To The Baby Boomer And Senior Fitness Market. Boomers And Seniors Are The Largest Growing Segment In The Fitness Market.
Category name: Equities & Stocks
Site META information
Website META Keywords:Train Mature Clients
Website META Title:Functional Fitness Solution
Website META Description:Unique, High-value Product Created By Well-known, Established Phd Experts And Award-winning Fitness Professionals To Help You Tap In To The Baby Boomer And Senior Fitness Market. Boomers And Seniors Are The Largest Growing Segment In The Fitness Market.
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Every Year You Are Losing Crucial Vitality!Â
Eliminate the Pain And Agony of Getting Older While Dramatically Improving Your Ability To Do What You Love With This Quick And Easy At Home System That Makes You Feel 20 Years Younger!
...Get Follow-Along Instructions from the World's Top Functional Fitness Experts for All Fifty to Seventy-Year-Old Men and Women
You’re about to discover a shocking statistic that will change the way you think about your health and future.
But first, we want you to think ahead twenty years from now and imagine a life where you’ll be able to move carefree and have all the energy in the world to enjoy your favorite activities… all because you’ve stumbled upon the closest thing to the fountain of youth.
Imagine you are climbing the Spanish Steps in Rome…all 135 of them…with your family. You are almost to the top when your grandchildren say “race you to the top†and take off in a burst of giggles. You chase off after them and, in a burst of energy and to their astonishment, not only catch them but pass them.
 But, of course, as you near the top you slow down and let them win. Everyone laughs and high-fives and together take in the marvelous view of the Piazza di Spagna at the top. You get to mark that one off of the bucket list but more importantly you also get a special moment with your family that you can cherish forever.
Sounds great doesn’t it? What could be better? But what if you weren’t able to race up the stairs with your grandchildren because your body wasn’t fit and healthy enough. Because your joints ached. Because you just didn’t have the energy. Because you were too worried that you would fall and either hurt yourself or embarrass yourself. What if you had to walk so slowly and take so many breaks that the grandkids are no longer having any fun because they are too bored waiting on you? What if you couldn’t even climb the steps at all and had to wait at the bottom while the rest of your family created that special memory…without you?
Let’s face it, the aging process is not kind and it wants to sap our bodies of stamina and vitality so that we aren’t able to enjoy special moments like these. Plus we end up spending so much money taking care of our health needs that we no longer even have the money to travel and visit family like we want to. It gets too expensive and our bodies can’t handle it.
This brings me back to the shocking statistic we wanted to share with you BEFORE it’s too late.
The shocking finding, which appears in the Journal of General Internal Medicine, looked at data from more than 3,000 people covered by Medicare in 2002-2008 to gauge the impact of health care cost on seniors.
Researchers measured how much Medicare-eligible seniors had spent out of pocket on healthcare in their last five years alive, and looked at how those costs weighed on their total household income.
After crunching the numbers, the report found that during that time period, more than 75 percent of Medicare-eligible households spent at least $10,000 out of pocket on health care.
Spending for all participants during those last five years averaged $38,688, and for the remaining 25 percent, the average expense was even greater; they spent a whopping $101,791 out of pocket.
A quarter of participants also spent “more than their total household assets on healthcare,†according to the report.
In 2011, approximately 58% of people didn’t even seek treatment that they needed because it was too expensive, according to a survey done by the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, a nonprofit research organization.
But why will you end up spending so much money on healthcare costs?…
Twenty Years From Now, Do You Know for Certain You Will Have Enough Energy To Spend Quality Time With Your Family and Friends?Â
There are memories to be made with family reunions and vacations, as well as playing chasing games with your grandkids.