CLICKBANK VENDOR: WHYHELIES Secrets Men Don't Want Women To Know- Hot Converter - Reviews

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

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Active since: Monday, January 30, 2012
ClickBank Marketplace Title:
Secrets Men Don't Want Women To Know- Hot Converter
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Update: 2/1/2016 - New "webinar Style" Vsl Provides Insane Conversions. Over 30% Increase.. New Upsell Funnel Doubles Dollars Added Per Sale. Http://
Category name: Time Management

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Secrets Men Don't Want Women To Know- Hot Converter
Website META Title:
Secret Survey
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Secret Survey

Earnings and affiliate information

Popularity Rank: 21
Offers Recurring Products: true
Gravity: 5.88373
EarnedPerSale: $64.17
PercentPerSale: 66
TotalEarningsPerSale: $64.17
TotalRebillAmt: $4.96
Referred: 97


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"Go Out and Play"… - Inside Look at Secret Survey -

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I surveyed thousands of men… I took every detail about what I knew about men… how we think, what we want, why we lie and cheat… why monogamy is so hard… what we REALLY want in bed but would NEVER say… I took all of the deep questions women had asked me about how men really feel about women, why men are so bad at communicating, why men bottle their feelings up and never share… I took everything men desperately want women to understand and accept about men… our deep, dirty desires, our hopes and fears and wants and needs… And compiled it ALL Into eight deep, powerful, and brutally honest lessons that answer the big questions women have been wanting to know for years about what really goes on in men’s minds… PLUS all the dirty, secret material men are desperate to reveal to women and to have women understand… but are absolutely petrified to ever say out loud… Inside Look at Secret Survey Men Are Like Dogs And You’re A Bad Owner how to interpret "man speak"… the real reason men are so "hard to understand" plus I’ll teach you how to use "Projective Empathy" to know exactly what’s going on in man’s head (even if he barely knows what he’s thinking himself.) Why Men Lie To Women They Love I’ll teach you the 3 Reasons men Lie To Women and the simple conversational tricks you can use to cause any man to open up to you in 5 minutes flat… even if he’s been locked up like Fort Knox for years. The biggest question women asked in the survey was Does He Really Love Me?… You’ll learn the straight and honest truth about how men really feel about the women in their lives and what he actually says about you when you’re not around. This material is NOT for the faint of heart but will open your eyes forever to the emotional truth of men. You’ll also learn the truth about men and CHEATING… Why men cheat on women they truly do love, what goes on in men’s minds when they cheat, what it means about how he feels about you when he cheats, and exactly what to do to cheat proof your relationship and keep your man faithful and focused on you without destroying the trust your relationship needs to survive. In the Reflected Glory lesson I’ll give you a guided tour through a man’s mind and tell you what he REALLY thinks about when he looks at you and what your appearance means to him. Does he want you to be skinny like a supermodel? Does he care that you’ve gained a few pounds? Using the survey results I’ll give you the absolute truth to every question and insecurity you’ve ever had about your appearance. We’ll talk about Sex, what men REALLY want in bed… Why most men would NEVER admit their deepest fantasies to a woman… and how to have your man sexually obsessed with you… The Power Of Feminine Vulnerability… and how to use “emotional judo” techniques to massively multiply his emotional desire for you. (Just learning this one trick could keep you and the man in your life from ever fighting again.) Emotional Flooding Why men are petrified of women’s emotions and how to create a “safe harbor” where he can open up, even if he acts like a Vulcan now. How to Banish Insecurity

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