Make Your Visualizations A Reality - Reviews

Thursday, January 30, 2025

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Active since: Thursday, September 3, 2009
ClickBank Marketplace Title:
My Visualization
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Created By World Renowned Hypnotherapist Steve G. Jones, My Visualization Is Designed To Help You Develop Creative Visualization.
Category name: Video

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My Visualization
Website META Title:
Make Your Visualizations A Reality
Website META Description:
Created By World Renowned Hypnotherapist Steve G. Jones, My Visualization Is Designed To Help You Develop Creative Visualization.

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Contact Us | Terms of Use “Who Else Is Ready To Catapult Every Aspect Of Their Life To Infinite Levels By Using The Same Techniques Championed By The World's Greatest Athletes And Performers?” “The Time Has Come To Transform Your Reality Just Like The Many Other's Who Have Mastered Creative Visualization Through This Astounding Program!” “World Class Hypnotist Unveils His Covert Methods For Instilling The Power Of Creative Visualization In Anyone On The Planet!” Dear friend, Do you ever wake up and wonder what your life has become? Do you ever wonder where exactly your life is going or where it will ultimately wind up? Do you have goals or dreams that just seem as though they are too unrealistic to ever achieve, so you just put them aside and save them for daydreaming? If you’ve answered yes to any one of these questions, chances are you are lacking a critical component in achieving things including goals, dreams and ultimately true success. It's Called Vision; And Throughout The History Of The World, Nothing Of Great Importance Was Ever Created Without It Enter your email below and Steve will share his tools and recommendations you can use to find true success... Email: We Don't Abuse Or Share Your Information EVER! Think about this for a second. Have you ever attempted to go somewhere new without any directions or a map? What usually happens to you when you do this? There are one of two outcomes; the first is that you eventually have to ask for directions or get your hands on a map (and in the process of doing so, waste valuable time). The second outcome is that (if you are somewhat familiar with the area), you can try to remember how to get there. In either case, you eventually need a map. Whether it’s a physical map that you get from somewhere or someone else or a mental map that you create in your mind based on past events, the point is that you need a vision to point you in the right direction. So why is it that so many people who know and realize this indisputable truth, fail to apply it to the most important area of all; their life? Regardless of what you may think, life does not just happen. Every single event that you have experienced is the direct result of the mental picture that you have created for yourself. So if you are not one hundred percent satisfied with where your life is today, chances are you are either not tapping into your vision. Or you have a vision but it conflicts with what you really want out of life. In other words, you’re not using your vision to your advantage. Let’s say for example that you want to achieve financial independence because it will give you the freedom to do the things you want, when you want. And to you that freedom is worth more than anything in the world. If You Have NOT Created A Clear And Concise Vision Of How You Will Achieve Financial Independence Within Your Mind, Then What You Have Done Is Created A Vision Of How You Will NOT Achieve It! In other words, by not using visualization to your advantage, you have used it to your disadvantage and created perhaps a vision of yourself working for someone else or just not making the money that you need to be financially free. You see, this is one of the things that separate us from the animal kingdom. Animals work off of instinct, they just act and react. We as humans, however, have the ability to plan and visualize the outcomes that we desire. This is exactly what professional athletes do. Aside from intense training and practice, they mentally visualize themselves achieving the desired result. This makes it much easier for them to do so in real life situations because the mind cannot tell the difference between an event experienced in real life and an even created within the mind. This Alone Is What Makes Visualization Such A Po

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